Fate Traders! Trade things
Eingame was coded in Borland C++Builder 6 by Jim Kinsman Most of the graphics were created by Jim Kinsman. The main EinGame title was created by John Goodwin. The boss in level 3 (Necromicus) was created by Matt Harding. The boss and all of the badguys in level 4 were created by Dennis Collier.
It is quite hard to decide what type of game it is. I would say it is a clash between an RPG and a puzzler type game. Try it out!
Windows 95 or higher. (Or Linux using Wine) 1024 by 768 Screen Resolution or higher. 66 mhz cpu or higher.
Released July 2003, Re-released January 2022Tested on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Linux using Wine
Disclaimer: This game was created before I became a Christian and some of the Weapons/Items named I would not choose again. Releasing for historical purposes.
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